NSG continues its relationship with the Studley Park Quarry and the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) after being awarded the contract for its redevelopment in 2006.
NSG was charged with the initial sourcing of the Heavy Plant & Equipment and the requisite expertise. External consultants and suppliers’ technicians guaranteed the achievement of the potential profitability of the quarry.
The main elements of the substantial investment (in excess of USD 14 million) were a Crushing Plant with the associated equipment of drilling rig, excavators, dump trucks, front end loader, weighbridge, telescopic-handler and transformer and generator; Asphalt Plant supported by a second front end loader, bitumen tankers and generator; and a Concrete Batching Plant (the first on Tobago) with the associated mixer trucks, a third front end loader, concrete placing pump and bulk cement tankers. The plants have been sourced by NSG from the UK, USA and Germany. NSG also provided the expertise for the design of the admixtures specified to produce concrete with different load bearing properties and the additives necessary. This is necessary to maintain the concrete in a satisfactory condition during transportation with particular reference to high temperature Caribbean conditions. The additives were also sourced by NSG. The complete plant has been in production since 2008.
Years later, NSG is still proud of its ongoing relationship with the Studley Park Quarry and the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) where we provide After Sales support with regards to the supply of spare parts and technical expertise.
